
Kernersville, NC

Position Desired

Software Engineering
Burlington, NC; Cary, NC; Chapel Hill, NC; Durham, NC; Greensboro, NC; Kernersville, NC; Raleigh, NC


Software programmer seeking a position to utilize acquired training and knowledge to supply creative products for a company with potential growth and career advancement within the industry. Bringing to any potential employer a dependable and reliable team worker and a variety of technical skills.

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, May 2013
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro – Greensboro, NC

• C++
• Java
• Linux command line
• Parallel Programming with Pthreads
• Object Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Design
• SPARC Assembly Language

Parallel Algorithms – Using Pthreads in C++, well known algorithms and solutions to problems were created to run in parallel. The concepts of shared memory and message passing were used. The PuTTY SSH client was used to connect to a multi-core Linux machine to run solutions.
Problem Solving and Programming – Ideas of how to solve problems efficiently in terms of time consumption, memory consumption, or both were implemented, culminating in a final NP-Complete graph problem.
BudgAid (Senior Project) – Java program designed to assist a user in budgeting money through the use of budgets, budget groups, and various types of accounts. Concepts of inheritance, data encapsulation, and file I/O were used. The Java Swing Library was used to create the GUI. All of the GUI components were coded from scratch without the use of a GUI Builder. Android functionality was implemented to allow a user to carry a shopping list on their Android device and track expenses. The project was completed in a group of three, with each member assigned as group leader for four weeks.

Program: “Whose Club Is It Anyway?”
• Java program currently under development and design for the UNCG student group Science Fiction Fantasy Fed...

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